I follow an account on Twitter, @homophobes. They re-tweet offensive statements about gays. I read one such tweet about same-sex marriage that didn't seem as offensive as most others. This girl's statement was that she didn't think same sex couples should get married in religious institutions, and that she knew that she could only speak for herself. I responded to her with a question about whether she was ok with legal civil unions, to which she said she was fine. Had I really meet someone on the internet who understood "separation of church and state"?! I thanked her for indulging me, and thought the interaction was over.
Several weeks later, I get a message from a gentleman challenging me that "civil unions are not marriages." We continued to go back and forth for multiple days trying to express or views. I was increasingly frustrated by Twitter's 140 character limit. We were sending two- and three-part messages debating the difference between "unions" and "marriages". Eventually, I had to put the conversation on hold. I was screaming at a person I didn't know, and couldn't even see. Our common language was preventing us from communicating clearly. This post is, hopefully, going to help.
The loudest, most frequent argument against same-sex marriage is that the Bible says it's wrong. I've read some interesting views regarding homosexuality and religion, but let's table that for now. People argue that "marriage" is a religious institution. Nowadays, straight couples get married in a church, and it also creates a legal bond.. I may be wrong, but it's my understanding that this stems from the days when governments were irrevocably tired to the Church. I have spoken to people who do not object to same-sex couples having the same legal rights of marriage, as long as their church didn't have to perform the services.
In my previous encounter, back in October, I used the word "union" to describe the legal status. I was relying on the concept of " multiple made one" with the intent that it would include ANY couple. I wanted to take religion out of the conversation, and discuss the idea as a legal concept, rather than a religious one. When I was married, we went to the courthouse, because we didn't want to be wed in a church we didn't believe in. As such, I considered marriage" to be a "legal union".
Just because I used to be married to a man doesn't mean I am not fully invested in this fight. My next love may just as easily be a woman. My roommates are all men who prefer the company of other men. What happens when they want the same advantages I used to have? My aunt was denied access to her wife's bedside after surgery, because their relationship had no legal standing.
I honestly believe my country would be well served to use a different term than "marriage" for any couple. This would remove the risk of trying to create a separate but equal situation, which history shows is not truly equal.
If the gentleman from Twitter reads this, I hope you can see that we really do want the same thing. We were just stumbling over a misunderstanding of vocabulary. I was trying to avoid the word "marriage" because of its religious undertones. You are fighting FOR the same word because of its place in the common lexicon. I know I have difficulty expressing complex thoughts without getting confusing. Does this do any good at trying to explain my viewpoint any better?
Family, friends, relationships, yarn. Come watch me be tangled up in all of them. Sometimes funny, sometimes depressing, always real.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
An Interesting Discussion on Same-Sex Marriage
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Just my $0.02 on "religious" businesses
I've been reading a lot of posts on Facebook about religiously affiliated businesses that are fighting the mandate to provide health insurance to all employees. They say it is because they don't believe in allowing employees access to contraceptives and the "morning after" pill. They have the right to believe whatever their religion teaches, but that does not give them the right to tell other businesses how to operate.
I won't go into the government mandate. That is a separate conversation, that I'm STILL not sure what I think about. BUT, I know how I feel about access to oral contraceptive medication. There were several times in my life where my doctors put me on birth control, not to avoid pregnancy, but because I had other medical conditions that the hormones were necessary to control. I won't lie about enjoying the benefits of birth control a time or two, but there was also the time I had been trying to get pregnant, but my long-term health was more important to me than a chance of becoming a parent. I know there are other women who have to face this choice. Or, like another woman I know, know that pregnancy will likely mean a death sentence. Should they be forced to reject am important part of a committed, relationship when there are other options available?
I don't think it's fair for these companies to attempt to dictate how their employees should live when they are not at work. This is one of the many reasons I will continue to choose not to spend my money with businesses who clam to be "Christian companies". I won't name who they are, because those who know which stores I mean don't need to be told. And while I don't care for these companies, I respect then enough not to speak poorly of them in a public forum.
Thank you for listening to my rant. I just got a little frustrated when my Facebook feed was once again full of posts about this...again...
Sunday, November 4, 2012
I don't know what's going on
I don't know how I ended up where I am lately. I'm back into this ugly funk, where I feel like no one wants to be around me. I know this isn't really true. It's just... People around me have their own personal lives, and I'm still used to sometime who demanded I spend every minute with them. Last night, I had several bad dreams about people telling me to go away. They ranged from me being a child, and hearing "This is grown-up stuff, go play," to being myself and having friends point and laugh while I say in a corner away from everyone else.
I just can't seem to shake this. Even though I know the truth is merely that I live on a different schedule from the rest of the world. But would it change if I could get off of night shift? I don't like these feelings, and I don't know how to deal with them anymore. And I don't know how to tell this to the people who are around me.
All it took to set me off this time was a situation involving some friends, but not me. I was having a good time hanging out, until they needed to discuss their problem. I was very politely asked to give then the necessary privacy, but I still went from having social contact, to being trapped by myself again. A few minutes turned into the entire night and hours of bad dreams.
Now it's early in the morning. Everyone else is doing their thing, such as sleeping. I'm watching TV and debating whether to go out for breakfast by myself
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Now what?
It's been a rough week for me. I had a close friend tell me an unpleasant truth. It took me a few days to smut that she was right. It's left me quite shaken.
For a while, I've started feeling like I was losing control of my life. My natural inclination is to respond by trying to control as much of the world around me as I can. Unfortunately, this only resulted in my becoming a ragey, controlling bitch toward the people I live with. And none of them would tell me, because I do have a tendency to get angry very quickly. I don't want to be that person anymore than I want to be the emotional doormat I used to be.
I guess it's time to re-evaluate what I'm feeling, and how it is affecting my actions. The problem with that is, I'm still in such a depressed funk that I an overreacting to everything. The worst of which being this continued feeling of isolation I can't seem to shake. I know the normal solution would be to get out of the house and be among people, but it just isn't that simple for me.
I'm not going any further down this rabbithole... I'm going to go back to my knitting. It may not be a good as being around people, but at least I know I'll see the people I'm making gifts for, eventually...
Saturday, October 6, 2012
What I did all week
Realizing that I wanted to get a head-start on giftmas preens has been one if the better decisions I've made in quite a while. The near constant knitting is doing me more good than anything else lately. I see myself finishing projects with increasing speed, and gain so much pride out of seeing each completed object. Because I keep my hands busy, I've found I don't want to smoke as frequently.
I took a break from knitting because I was looking for someplace to move after CNFH. Then I had to move and unpack. I got lazy, because I had a huge attack of perfectly good reasons why I couldn't knit. So I didn't even try.
I'm trying to be a good girl and use up as much of my stash yarn as I can, for multiple reasons. I have two totes full of yarn that have no intended purpose. So far, I've managed to use up a few balls of yarn! More importantly, I'd managed to forget how pleasantly relaxing it is to just sit and talk our watch TV with my sticks clicking away, project quietly growing in my lap...
This weekend, I made it to the yarn store to get yarn for some presents. I'm just starting on my gift fora certain dragon. I won't talk about it, because I know she reds this blog!
I'd probably have more to say, but I'm going to get back to playing with my string!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Knitting machine
So, I crossed the two-mile mark on my knitmeter. I'm feeling pretty good about that. I'm working on another scarf out of my stash yarn. Of the three I've finished, only two are actually intended for specific recipients. The pink "feather" scarf was just a fun idea to make, although I have no clue who is going to end up with it.
Today's new project is a scarf out of the purple loopy yarn I got at the fabric fair this past spring. I had intended to make team scarves for the lupus walk, but they didn't work out the way I'd planned. It would take too much yarn to make one scarf, so I wouldn't have enough for a team. I'm sure this will find a home among someone on my gift list.
My gift list... Ah, there's something I'll never learn to control. It started out with eight people on it. It's already almost doubled, and I know I'll find more people that I have to make presents for. And I'd be willing to bet that over half of them won't be planning to have gifts in exchange. It's not that I'm upset about that, it's just... I make gifts for people out of love, not greed. But there will always be a greedy child inside me who wants awesome presents back!
Oh well... I'm writing this on the break room at work. I'm supposed to be knitting, not talking about it. I think I'll get back to what I told myself to do tonight.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
A ray of hope
This wallow in self-pity has to stop. So I'm going to post something positive.
I own two pairs of jeans. One is lighter blue, and is very comfortable. I wear the heck out of this pair. The other is a darker indigo color. They look awesome, and I love that they aren't as baggy as most jeans in my size. But they're just a little snug, so I don't west them as often. But I wore my dark jeans to work last night, because I needed a change. And they fit!
I don't know what words can describe how stupidly happy I was when I realized that my pants weren't pinching at my waist. I don't know what I'm doing to lose weight, but I hope I keep doing it! I know my value isn't tied to my weight, and I've been this size for about five years, but I'm sick of being this large.
It took me a year to fit into a size 22 comfortably. I'm going to try to be in a size 20 by spring. My ultimate goal (since 2000) has between to get back to a size 16. It would be nice to buy clothes that aren't plus-sized.
It's the week where I eat the crap I have in the cupboard, but I get paid on Friday, and I have a new grocery list app on my phone. So now I write up a menu and shopping list that I can't forget. Emotional setbacks aside, I'm still moving forward. Just a little slower sometimes.
Monday, September 17, 2012
The self-loathing continues
I'm disgusted with myself. When I was in high school, I lived at least a half hour from all of my friends. I didn't get to hang out like a normal teenager. Weekends were spent at home. I watched TV or read a book, and was happy. I lived on my own. When I didn't have a roommate, there were many times I'd go days without seeing anyone. I was sick in bed for a week without any outside communication, and didn't care. Now, I fall into a bottomless pit of despair if I go two days without having someone to hang out with.
I was mad at myself for feeling lonely, so I didn't most of last week in a mass of rage. So this weekend, I decided to let myself actually be sad about it. That resulted in my crying for almost two hours. That merely resulted in me getting a massive headache. So I accepted an invitation to go out with Roomie C. I had a panic attack and made everyone leave early. (I won't believe they wanted to go too.)
I hate this. I don't feel any better today. I've tried ignoring the sadness. I've tried cheering myself up. I tried embracing my emotions. I don't feel like myself yet. The longer this lasts, the manner the little voice in my head gets. People tell me things will get better in time, but when? In the meanwhile, my little voice is explaining that no one wants to be around me because I'm unpleasant and moody.
Fuck that little voice! All it does of make things worse. I don't want to think about why people don't like me. I don't want to feel like I should push my friends away before they start to hate me. Something has to change soon.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
I don't like it here
I cried today. The first time in a long while. I hate this bottomless pit I've been trapped in for so long. I don't know what to do about it, or even what I want anymore.
It feels like no one notices my suffering. When I see one of my friends is upset, I sometimes have to restrain myself from pestering them till they smile. But I feel like I have to hide from them. I don't want to turn up my music to hide the sound of me crying. I want someone to ask me what's wrong, to actually care about my answer, to let me cry on them.
Of course, I don't dare seek someone out. I've put too much effort into being the one who will always be ok. But I haven't been that person for a long time. I allowed myself to believe my own lie, and I don't know how to function anymore.
Friday, September 14, 2012
All by myself
Do you ever fell alone in a crowd? Even when surrounded by the people you call friends? I feel that way all too often. I don't know why. There is just something inside me that won't let me believe that they really want to be around me. I don't know when this really started.
I never had a lot of friends growing up. When I joined any kind of club out group, I always found myselfon the fringes of everything. Nothing I could do would get me into the "inner circles." Even in adulthood, I've found a wonderful group of people, buy there is always that little voice inside that tells me they only tolerate me because of who I know, or that they only want something from me. It's a terrible feeling. It doesn't help that I had someone on my life that told me I was merely tolerated, and that these weren't really "my" friends. I've come to know differently, but it's hard to believe sometimes. That little voice just won't let me.
I don't like feeling so alone and emotionally isolated. I'm afraid to tell people when something is bothering me. I'm convinced that if I reveal how hurt and scared I am, the few friends I have will vanish. So I suffer in silence. I try to enjoy being around my social circle, but I know I'm holding large portions of myself hidden. I wear a mask that is confident and capable, when I am anything but.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Busy and a little insane
Monday, August 6, 2012
Home at WTF
I have wanted to have a house for so long. It's been years since I decided I was tired of apartment living, but I couldn't afford to rent a house on my own, and being the sole income... Well, it just wasn't going to happen. But now that I have roommates, things are different. I am still living with Roomie C, but the rest of the roomies are new. Joe will be staying with us till the end of this month, then it will only be residents of WTF (use your imagination). We all have such plans for making this a comfy, cozy home for all of us. We have been discussing decorating and household rules for the last week. I still don't know how things are going to work out, but I have high hopes.
As excited as I am about moving into my new home, this move was very stressful for me. I spent two weeks trying to get everything packed, but Roomie C had trouble remembering to bring home enough boxes. And even though I started packing early, the boys waited till the last minute, and didn't want to help me. By that point, they were worried about being able to pack their own stuff. Then, I stayed up all night/day on Wednesday helping the new roommates move in. By Thursday, I was exhausted, and emotionally drained. I quit. I told the buys that if they didn't pack up the kitchen, I was leaving it all behind. I cried all day Thursday, and half of Friday. At least, I wasn't an emotional wreck by Saturday. At that point, my body was giving out on me. I could barely walk, my feet and legs were so swollen that I was losing feeling in my toes. I was ecstatic to be able to sleep in my own bed again, instead of on the floor or someone else's bed. Being able to elevate my feet has helped so much. I can walk again and am starting to carry my boxes upstairs to my bedroom. I can't wait to get my dresser up there, next, so that I can unpack my clothes into it.
Oh well... I shoudl go out to wait for my lunch to arrive, then get back to trying to figure out where everything should go! I'll post more soon-ish!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Checking in, before checking out
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Musings over rum...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Anthrocon 2012 in review
This year, I had the good sense to take an extra long vacation around the convention. I was able to join other members of the Art Show crew for a late dinner on Wednesday, before all the business of running part of the convention started. It was nice to be able to catch up with those I hadn't seen in a year, as well as meet a few other team members that I hadn't been able to meet last year. I had all day Wednesday to do my last-minute packing. I was able to get to the hotel on Thursday without all the stress of the years before. This probably had more to do with not having to deal with the annoyance of my ex who liked waiting till the last second, then rushing. Roomie P and I had less baggage as two women with a fursuit, than I did for Blaze and myself. We thought about how we were getting our baggage to and from the convention, and worked to keep everything compact. I am very proud of the fact that it only took three people to easily carry everything three blocks from where we parked the rental car to the hotel.
At the Westin, we had no trouble getting up to out room. It was just as nice as we were used to after the last two years staying there. The only hiccup with our room was my fault, and the affected party was very gracious about it. I'll explain that part when I get there. I got checked in with ConOps, then headed out with Sage to socialize on our way to Art Show setup. Unfortunately, two things went horribly wrong on Thursday. We had left Sage's Art Show submission at home, and I had to send Joran on a mission to retrieve them from home. Also, I discovered that for the rest of the convention, I couldn't go anywhere without getting distracted three times along the way. While Sage was hitting the headless zone to cool off, I was supposed to follow her, but I ran into some friends who wanted to chat. We went out for a smoke, but I didn't have time to pick Sage up on the way before I had to check in with Petercat and the rest of the Art Show staff for some refresher training on the cash registers. Thankfully, that was resolved quickly after Sage had physically cooled off enough to understand what happened. Overheated fursuiters are not reasonable beings. Their brains are boiling too much to think reasonably. I need not to let that happen again. The rest of Thursday passed rather uneventfully.
Friday was moderately insane, but it was the good kind of insane. I worked all morning, and half of the afternoon, but I did get some time to run to the State store to buy some Tullamore Dew, because I had gotten invited to my first room-party. That was an experience I hope to repeat! I had a chance to sit down and hang out with people I would never have met otherwise, thereby feeling more important than I really am. But busy cheetahs (I mean, leopards) don't get to hang out much at cons they help run, and rapping tigers are wild drunks! Afterwards, when I went outside for a cigarette, I ran into a dragon dressed up as a mermaid! So I got to smoke with her, finally! Eventually, I stumbled back to my hotel room, along with Roomie C, who had enough and I didn't feel safe letting him walk back to his hotel alone. That little hiccup? I made him sleep in my bed, forcing Joran onto the floor because queen-sized beds don't comfortably sleep three. At least, I hope I was truly forgiven and that she didn't just say so to make me feel better.
Saturday was a little bit calmer, and that was good, because hangovers suck! I worked two short shifts, then barely made it to the PA Furries panel that Sage was running. It was amazing to see so many people make it to that. I got to meet a few people that I talk to from the website. It's nice to be able to put a face to the names in the chat window. After that, I took the kittyduck out for a few drinks, had a pleasant dinner with some friends, and tried going to the drum circle, but it was getting late, and I was tired by 11:30.
Sunday is still a blur to me. I worked the entire day at the Art Show. I got to man the "wall" as we closed the bidding. It's a good time, watching the bidding wars at the last few minutes. Then came the cash-out time. It went on forever! Followed by trying to help with tear-down. I wish I could have helped more, but my feet were swelling so bad, I could barely walk. I didn't even make it to the Shore Leave party. *sigh*
In review, the good: I had a blast. I got to go to a party and meet awesome people. I helped make this one of the best Anthrocons yet. The bad: I didn't get to hang out with as many people as I wanted to. One of the drawbacks of being staff is that you spend your time allowing everyone else to have more fun than you. The future: I will stay on the staff for as long as they'll have me. I will continue to let everyone else have more fun than me. I enjoy hearing how much they are enjoying the con.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Busy time!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
It was a hot, sumer night...
Friday, June 1, 2012
The nostalgia trap
Fast forward a few years. New table. New coffee pot. New kitchen. Still thinking. Ten years after I started living alone, a lot has happened, so I have a lot more to think about. No longer does the morning coffee revolve around what to make for dinner, or who I am hanging out with the next weekend. Morning coffee is now a time to relax after work. It's a time to remember. Plans are now about what to buy at the grocery store, and serious concerns about where I'm going to live after August.
It was bittersweet to realize that I was doing the same thing in a different place. I used to wonder if I'd ever meet someone I'd want to spend my life with. Now, I mourn the end of having someone to be with. So much has changed, yet so much is still the same. I feel like I have moved backwards. It's very hard to see a positive future right now. I've emailed so many landlords about houses, but none have gotten back to me. I'm purposely single, but I feel like something is wrong with me, that I can't romantically attract anyone.
Maybe this is just a horrible combination of the wet weather, and being left alone in my apartment. I'm sure I'll feel better once Roomie P's birthday party gets started!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Warm fuzzies of the week
I feel like life has entered something of a "holding pattern" lately. So I decided it was time to make something new happen. This has started me wanting to knit jewelry. Don't look at me in that tone of voice. It makes perfect sense. It all started when I wanted a string bracelet, but didn't want the same old "friendship bracelet" so I decided to take all the colors I wanted, and just made a variegated I-cord bracelet. I still need to get to the store to buy a clasp, but I'm happy with how it turned out. This sent me to my library. I pulled out my book of patterns for knitted borders. Yes! Several of them look like they'd make amazing necklaces. So now I'm making a lovely, lacy choker. I think I know who I'm giving it to when I'm done, since I don't wear chokers.
There are several other patterns I can't wait to try making into necklaces. I found some I want to use that would look amazing with some beadwork. I think I need to get some different colors of crochet thread and perhaps some smaller DPNs. I keep starting new hobbies, and then I run out of time. I can't wait till I can get my own house someday. I've already decided I'm going to learn to spin and dye my own yarn. I also want to learn to weave and get better at sewing. My poor roommate has no clue what he agreed to when he said he wanted to live with me!
Friday, May 18, 2012
Knit till I find my Wit
Monday, May 14, 2012
What friends mean to me
I realize that people use the word "friend" rather freely. It can mean anything from more-than-acquaintance to a person who is as close as family. But if I refer to someone as a Friend, I am referring to the latter. Friends are my family-by-choice. These are the people I try to spend my time with. These are the people I share my deepest feelings with. A Friend is someone whose feelings are as important to me as my own. In college, I defined a friend as being like a hug: warm, comforting, something you can lean on.
When I was younger, I used to bemoan the fact that I did not have a lot of friends. I wasn't one of the popular kids. Fortunately, I was not alone. And the friends I did have were more dearly valued for it. By not having dozens of people I called friend, I had the time to develop deeper, more meaningful relationships. As I grew to adulthood, I parted company with many of my childhood friends while making new ones. But the people that have been there through the changes in my life... They hold a special place in my heart. Those are the ones who I can reminisce with. They know my crazy moods and how to handle me.
As I get older, I'm less concerned with having to find new friends. People will come in and out of my life for as long as they need to be there. Some touch that special place in my heart, and I know they will be here for a long time. These Friends are the ones that make me the person I am.
When a Friend is having trouble, it's my instinct to try to help them. Often, it's just listening to their problems, but I enjoy being able to do anything to make their life more pleasant. I enjoy doing little things to make my Friends smile, from making a surprise Easter basket to making a pot of coffee. When I can, I like giving small knitted stuff to my friends, or take them out to dinner. I will defend my Friends, with everything I have, if they are being wronged. But I don't support blindly. If I know a Friend is wrong, I will tell them. I will try to do so in private if at all possible, but if necessary, I will call a friend out in whatever manner is needed. And I will defend a Friend whenever that is needed, also. Even if they are not around at the time. I don't let people tell un truths about my friends.
I guess it comes down to me being the kind of friend I want my friends to be toward me: loyal, generous, considerate, honest...As I grow older and less dependent on my family-by-birth, I rely more on those who I have made my family-by-choice, and I strive to be as good, and fair, to them as I can be, because they are that important to me.
I don't know. I've rattled on about this for about a week. I've lost any ability to be coherent. This is what you get from me when I spend too much time on something. It's the best I can do, the same as I'd give any friend.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Not neglecting to post
Friday, May 4, 2012
Don't hide your scars
I know I keep repeating about how your scars are what made you. But the thought just won't settle down in my mind. Every mark on my body, every personality quirk I've developed as reaction to something, these are who I am. If I am to love myself, I need to love all of me, not just the "pretty" parts. I'm trying. Sometimes it's hard, because sometimes the scars still ache. But that's why I write this.
I hope my friend decides not to cover her scars. I know why they are there. They show the strength she has to survive what put them there. They are part of what make her a beautiful person. And so do mine. So do yours.
Today's knitting update: I haven't been doing much. I've gotten some work done on P's Tarot Bag. I worked perhaps ten rows on the Random Baby Blanket. Stress at home has kept me from wanting to play with yarn. I'm afraid I'll take my aggression out on projects that are supposed to be made with love. I don't want to talk about that right now.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Running with it anyway
Friday, April 27, 2012
Too many ideas at once
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Con report: Furnandocon
Monday, April 16, 2012
I'm not angry
Thursday, April 5, 2012
There's magic in the night...
Monday, April 2, 2012
Leaving you was easier than being gone
So I'm sitting in my bedroom, spending my morning on the internet, yet again. People keep telling me to get out and meet people, but it's not easy to do when I work nights, and most people are at work in the mornings. The people I'm most likely to meet at 10am during the week are probably not the best dating material. And my social circle is so small, and I still struggle with social anxiety. I don't know. I guess all there is to do is to just keep going through the days. I wasn't looking when I met the man I married. I had given up to despair when I was given the opportunity to find myself again. I'm sure that if I just keep going and trust the forces of the universe, I will eventually find the right person for the next phase of my life.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Stuck in neutral
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Feeling uncertain
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Oh, sleep... How I miss you...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Repeating Patterns and Baby Steps
This song came on the radio at work last night. It helped, like it always does. Also, an old friend from my attempt at college managed to find me on Facebook. It seems like every time I get into this pattern, a new person from my past surfaces to remind me that I'm doing good.
So today, I'm going to tell myself how good I'm doing! In the last six months:
- I'm getting so much better at my knitting. Now that I'm not being yelled at for wanting to knit, I can just sit and enjoy my time playing with yarn.
- I'm getting healthier. I can afford to go to the doctor, and pay for medications that are prescribed for me. I also eat more than once a day, and have time to relax.
- I'm not really a slob. Admittedly, I probably could be better at housekeeping, but the reason my old place stayed a mess wasn't all my fault. I have a floor at CNFH (Creatively Names Furry House)! And clean clothes every day! All it took was having access to a washer/dryer and roommates who are willing to do their share toward keeping a nice house.
- I learned that my friends are around me because they want to be, not because they have to be.
- I am learning not to be a doormat. I like doing things for other people, but I will not be taken advantage of anymore.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Thinking Midsummer in the middle of winter
Friday, February 24, 2012
Sometimes *I* need the hug
Monday, February 20, 2012
I just need to vent
On a lighter note: Thing A Day is coming very nicely. As of this morning, I have knitted 31 washcloths. I am working on number 32, and will be finishing it as soon as I post this blog. I have crossed the one mile mark for the year 2012. I'm more than satisfied with this, since it means I've fulfilled my New Year's resolution. I'm trying to see if I can make it to a full mile just for February! I've already gotten 1310 yards this month alone. I'm sure I can come up with an additional 450 yards. I still have at least that much cotton to finish up before the month is over!
Part of me wants to continue rambling and typing away, but I know I have knitting to be done! Yarn tiger, away!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Stupid Hallmark holidays...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Why did I try to be nice? NSFW
I realize that I was not exactly the most charitable person toward Blaze for the first month or so after leaving him. But since then, I've actually been coming to his defense far more than I ever thought I would. And why? Because I am trying to be a decent person. And here, I learn that he's been busy bad-mouthing me to our friends? And just being an absolute heel.
I'm done. I'm not going to be nice anymore. I tried inviting him to the furry parties I host. He lost most of his social circle when I left, and I was trying not to exclude him from the social activities of a group we both belong to. But he wouldn't come "because he isn't ready to be social with me". At least that's what he told me. He told another friend that it is because of roomie P. I have a friend who told me he spent hours trying to get her into bed. On the day they first met!
What a dick! I'm so glad to be rid of him! </rant>
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thing A Day and other things
In the meanwhile, I picked up the Red Heart Shimmer in turquoise to make my Midsummer's Night Shawl. It's an easier pattern than I thought it would be, and it seems to work up rather quickly. And it's such a pretty, sparkly yarn! And I only got to buy it so soon because I had to go deal with another entanglement.
I was in a chat room with several friends, when K revealed that she was in a difficult emotional space. She also recently left her husband, and the friends she is staying with can't seem to comprehend the difficulties of walking away from your entire life. It doesn't help that they feel the "know what's best for her" and are pushing very hard for her to jump out and get back on her feet, without any allowance for the very necessary grieving that comes from such a change in lifestyle. So we mounted an "emotional rescue mission" to bring her to the Creatively Named Furry House for the weekend. While I am thrilled to be able to help, I can't actually do anything for her. It's so frustrating!