Today's warning: This post will be discussing details of my physical and mental health. I'm willing to share this, but not everyone may want to know specifics. I'm inserting a jump, so people have a choice.
I was back at the doctor's yesterday. It was a combination follow-up from the ER visit, and to get help for the insomnia that has gotten completely out of control. And for the first time in longer than I can remember, I found someone who was willing to listen to me. She gave me sleeping pills that she hoped would help, then sent me for about a million and a half blood tests. I go back on Tuesday to find out what my blood had to say. I don't know if I should be glad or frightened that she included two tests for auto-immune disorders. The only reason I know of to have these tests run is that I have auto-immune in my family. I wonder what signs the PA saw that she didn't tell me about. She also increased my blood pressure medication. What I was taking just wasn't doing me much good. Unless it was just barely keeping me alive... When I got to the doctor's office, my blood pressure was 193/125! I'm pretty sure that is not good!!
I'm not sure what I think about these sleeping pills just yet. My sister advised me (a day late) that I should go straight to bed after taking it, because Trazodone has a very short window of being able to make you sleep. Otherwise you will, and I did, end up very tired but not able to sleep. It's before 9am now. I plan to knit for an hour, take my shower, then take the sleeping pill and try to get some sleep. I really hope this works. This means I leave work and have to go straight to bed. Because it wasn't hard enough having my limited socialization. Now I need to eliminate all chance to interact with the people I care about.
I don't know. I'm finally starting to try and take care of myself. But all the stress that ignoring my health has caused is adding to my health problems. There has to be a solution to all of this. I just want to go back to feeling healthy. I miss being able to sleep. I don't want to keep falling asleep at work. Or in the middle of parties. Or anytime I sit still for too long.
Just focus on your health and don't worry about everyone else, we'll take care of ourselves.
ReplyDeleteJust give yourself a chance to adjust to the new regime and then decide what you'll be doing.