There is so much going on in my life right now. I'm trying to figure out where I'm going to live after this lease is finished. I'm still struggling with the journey to loving myself better. I've become the primary emotional support for a friend who has never felt loved by anyone other than family. Friendships are changing, because I am changing. I wish there was something I could do to make things easier. And then, my mind runs off in a new direction...
I've been reading about the idea of pagan veiling. This is something that crossed my mind close to a year ago, but I had no clue if it was even a legitimate option. It was originally a joke about never having to worry about "bad hair days" ever again. Because it was a joke, I didn't worry too much and just forgot about it. But last week, I randomly felt the need to look into it again. I don't know what told me to, but I've learned to listen to that little voice... I stumbled into The Pagan Spoonie's article on pagan head covering.It gave me a lot to think about.
I'm still intrigued by the idea of head covering. But I need to do it for a legitimate reason, not just because I think it would look cool. I'm not the sort to wear skimpy little outfits, but I am comfortable with my body and my sexuality. I don't feel that hiding behind modest-dress is the best way for me to embrace the fact that I am a beautiful and sexual creature. My recently failed marriage doesn't make me want to wear something that symbolizes a social position I no longer can honestly claim. I don't feel called by a goddess that asks her followers to veil.
But I keep opening up blogs on pagan veiling. I keep reading about it. I look at websites selling veils and headscarves. I look at how to tie headscarves to cover my hair. There is some part of me that really feels a need. I just don't know why.
Now. For the knitting update. I've got 3/4 of the Midsummer Night's Shawl fringed. It won't be much longer till it's finally finished! I just need to sit still long enough to cut the last large handful of yarn for the fringes. Once I get those done, it is only a matter of a few minutes. Below is a picture of the shawl as it is now. It matches so nicely with my brand new bedsheets, doesn't it?
I finally started on the Random Baby Blanket I decided to make. No I am not pregnant. No I am not making this for anyone who is pregnant. After giving some of Thing-a-Day's leftover washcloths as last minute gifts, I really want to build up a stash of handmades that are available any time I need a present, but don't have time to make one or money to buy one. The Random Baby Blanket is really nothing more than an extremely over-sized washcloth made of baby yarn, on a slightly larger needle. When I say quick and dirty, I mean it!
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