Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Checking in, before checking out

     I know I did not post last week. And I will probably need to take a brief hiatus from my blog. I have finally found a house, and we are moving at the end of this month. So I need to focus my attention on getting everything packed up, and making the new house into a home.
     Home.... That's something I miss having. And with a new set of roommates who all want a similar concept, it might actually be manageable. Things at CNFH haven't been very pretty for the last few weeks, and I foresee them getting worse before the end. But I'll save that story for a later date, when feelings aren't quite so tender. I knew this was going to be a temporary living space, but I came in with certain expectations and hopes. Now, things have been turned upside-down yet again. 
     On the other hand, I am seeing the people I call "friends" a little more clearly than I used to. I see who cares about those around them. I see who tries to help others, and who expects everyone to take care of them. I am going to try to keep the caring people in my life, and let the selfish ones go.
     So. My new house! We're going to name it WTF. Because we can. It will maintain the same motto as CNFH, "Where the hell are my pants?" And I'm going to fill it with handicrafts! I'm knitting a bathmat for one of the two full bathrooms. Then I plan to crochet a rug for my bedroom. Who knows, Maybe I'll pick up some cheap fabric of some sort, and see about making some for the public rooms, too! And I'm going to look at the smaller windows to see where I can put the rainbow curtains Granny made me. Do you think rainbows belong in a house inhabited by all less-than-straight people?
     And then, after we get everything set up all nice, and we've had our housewarming party, I'm going to start hosting the PA Furry Crafters' Guild meetings. Because all of the furries I know who like to craft, also like to do so around like-minded people. That way, we can show off our stuff, as well as be supported, inspired, and assisted by each other.
     My mind is wandering again. I'm going to post this, then get back to doing "important stuff" around the house. Two more days till the packing begins. I'm so stupid-excited. I can't wait to move. I feel like I'm moving into my first apartment all over again...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Musings over rum...

     OMG, I forgot to post something this week! Probably because nothing very interesting has really happened. It has been an exceptionally dull week. And I'll apologize now for the typos that I will not be correcting. I'm switting up with Roomie C having a few drinks, and my fingers are not cooperating at the moment.
     I am trying to apply for a second shift position at work. I'm willing to make the small pay sacrifice in the hopes of having better sleep and hopefully, an improved social life!
     We found a third person who wants to move in with us in September, so Roomie C and I are now looking for a 3 bedroom place, rather than a 2 bedroom.
     I have a new knitting project to make for Anthrocon, and I'll discuss that further at another time. But I'll need stitch markers for it. So I'm learning to make them myself rather than buying a set. I've already hit my first speed-bump, as the split rings I bought won't "split" (think teeny keyrings) so I have to put the clasp directly on the head pin. It sorks, but is not as pretty as it should be. I'll do better on the next set.
     I bought a new booze glass at Spencer's today when we went to the mall to pester the kitty-duck while she was at work. It's a larger version of the shotglass I couldn't justify buying. 
     I need to not ramble when I'm drunk. And I need more rum. What do you want me to discuss next time I have nothing to say? Good night.