Thursday, January 5, 2012

Little sisters need not read this

     I hate my little sister. Well, if I told you about our history, you'd certainly believe it. Let's take a brief stroll down memory lane, shall we?
  • Age 3 - I vaguely remember Mommy having a big belly and telling me that I was going to have a little sister.
  • Age 4 - I have more fuzzy memories of holding a squirmy thing that I could barely wrap my arms around. And being told to be quiet, so I didn't wake the baby. 
  • Age 8 - Everywhere I went, I had this goofy little kid who wanted to follow me. And my parents insisted I take her with me. My friends didn't want to play with a four-year-old baby.
  • Age 12 - I was old enough to babysit, but not old enough for her to listen to me. The arguments were vicious. And I always got in trouble, even when she was the one misbehaving.
  • Age 15 - I won the state FBLA competition. When I called home to tell Mom about it, no one was home. Wendy was being admitted to the hospital, and when I finally did reach Mom on the phone, that was all she cared about, not what I had accomplished.
  • Age 19 - Things started getting ugly. We didn't just yell at each other. The fights were starting to get physical. There was on incident where Wendy threw a bowl at the chandelier above my head, shattering the glass. On another occasion, there was a wrestling match over the fact that she didn't want me using "her phone."
  • Age 27 - I was living on my own. Mom called needing me to do stuff for her, because my sister hadn't. That spoiled little brat still got to live at home rent free, but I had to bail Mom out of trouble? There was a fight so bad, I told her not to even come to my wedding when it happened.
  • Age 29 - Wendy started getting sick. I knew better the whole time, but I was sure she did this just to ruin my wedding!
  • Age 30 - She was diagnosed with Lupus. We still weren't talking because of the fights we'd had the last few years.
  • Age 34 - She is my best friend. We talk via text or Facebook every day. How the hell did this happen??
     I'd heard over the years about how important sisters could be. Everyone would tell me that when I grew up, my sister would become my best friend, but I always thought they were full of it. It's funny the way things work, but I wouldn't trade her for the world! No one else has been through all the crap with me, from our parents' divorce to my bad marriage. 
     I had a lot in mind that I wanted to say, but since it's slipped my mind, I'll just say this. I love my sister. I'd kill for her. I'd die for her. I wish I could do more for her when her lupus causes problems, but if all I can do is listen and hurt from 2500 miles away, I'll keep doing that!


  1. ::::sniff!!::::: Wow, you sure ran the gamut of emotion & expression. I'm glad you're now at the point where you recognize who your best friend REALLY is. My Mom had two sisters...and they were truly her best friends. She's 80 now...and is learning to live without them. Always remember who's got your back. (Btw, what is FBLA?)

  2. FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America. I took first place in both the regional and state competitions, and was eligible to go to the national event held in Washington DC. I didn't go, because I had an opportunity to go to Europe at the same time. I made the right decision. I treasure those memories. But that is a story for another time.
